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7 Magnificent Facts on Jagannath Puri: You Should Know!

Jagannath Puri, located in the coastal town of Puri in Odisha, the Jagannath Temple is an important Hindu temple dedicated to Jagannath, a form of Lord Vishnu.

The Jagannath temple is one of the rich cultural treasures of India, a symbol of devotion, and an architectural marvel. This holy masterpiece is a remarkable example of Indian temple construction and is devoted to Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra, and Devi Subhadra. King Indradyumna of Avanti has built the main temple of Jagannath at Puri. The temple is one of the 108 Abhimana Kshethram of Vaishnavate tradition. The temple is sacred to all Hindus, especially to those of the Vaishnava traditions.

Let’s take you on a mini journey to discover the history, majesty, significance, and mystery of The Jagannath Temple in the heart of Odisha, Puri.

Jagannath Puri

Location: Puri, Odisha

Type: Kalinga Architecture

Creator: Indradyumna

The Three Deities!

Three deities are worshiped at the temple in Puri. These are Lord Jagannath, his brother Lord Balabhadra, and their sister Devi Subhadra. These deities are seated in the inner sanctum of the temple on the jeweled platform or the Ratnabedi. The deities are carved from sacred neem logs that are known as Daru. These deities are seated in the temple along with carved deities of Sudarshana Chakra, Madanmohan, Sridevi, and Vishwadhatri.

According to the season and festivals, the deities are dressed differently and have different jewelry.

The deities are worshiped from a prehistoric tribal time and predate the construction of the temple.

Lord Jagannath: The Lord of the Universe!

  • The incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
  • Identifies as Lord Shri Krishna, the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu.
  • He is worshipped in different forms on different occasions.

When one visits the Puri temple he is always curious about the Big Eyes of Lord Jagannath, that is because there is a belief that “His big eyes are a reminder that is always watching his followers and guides them through their spiritual path, and showing them his unconditional love for his devotees.”

  • The history of this temple is interconnected to Lord Jagannath.
  • Legends say that “the Lord decided to live in Puri because of the king Indradyumna’s intense devotion towards him”.

Marvellous Architecture of Jagannath Puri!

  • One of the most impressive monuments of Indian Southern State Odisha.
  • The temple’s iconic feature is its massive spire, or “Shikara”, which is at a height of more than 200 meters.
  • Details of mythological-themed characters and deities are sculpted outside the wall of the temple.
  • The temple’s most prominent feature is its pyramidical shape and its recurrent wheel pattern which symbolizes the chariot of Lord Jagannath.

The temple has four distinct sectional structures, namely –

  • Deula, Vimana or Garba griha
  • Mukhashala
  • Nata mandir/Natamandapa, which is also known as the Jagamohan
  • Bhoga Mandapa

The main temple is a curvilinear temple and crowning the top is the ‘Neelachakra’ (an eight-spoked wheel) of the deity Vishnu.

Nila Chakra:

  • The discus mounted on the top shikhar of the Jagannath Temple
  • Every day a different flag is waved on the Nila Chakra.

The Singhadwara: the lion gate, one of the four main gates of the temple.

The Festival of Chariots!

It is a 600-year-old festival that celebrates the divine journey of Jagannath and his brother and sister. It is also known as “Gundicha Yatra”. This is the largest chariot festival in the world, which attracts more than 1 million people from across the world every year.

  • Most fascinating feature of the Jagannath temple.
  • During this ceremony, thousands of worshippers draw the gods through Puri’s street in these enormous chariots.
  • Every year in June and July this festival is hosted.
  • It is a vibrant, joyful festival of togetherness.

The Sudarshan Chakra’s Mystery

Another fascinating feature of the Jagannath Temple is the enormous wheel known as the Sudarshan Chakra, which is affixed to the temple’s tower.

  • It has 108 scored edges.
  • According to Hindu sacred texts, it is illustrated as the “Kaal Chalra” or “The Disk of Time”.
  •  It consists of twelve rays and six centers.
  •  It’s the weapon used by the Lord of the Universe himself, that’s why it is of the most significance and most powerful among all the weapons mentioned in the sacred texts.

Hidden Facts of Jagannath Temple!

Jagannath temple is one of the Char Dhams situated in Puri, Odisha.

This temple is dedicated to lord Jagannath and his brother and sister. This temple is never closed and open to his devotees for 24 hours. However, several mysterious and surprising facts lie in this temple of Puri……Let’s explore them

  • The installed idols made from wood of the neem tree, are replaced every 8, 12, or 19 years because it is believed that the Heart of Lord Krishna is still alive and is kept in the carved statue of Lord Jagannath.
  • Every day a holy Prasad is served in the temple to thousands of devotees and the surprising fact is that not a single piece of prasad is wasted or falls short.
  • The flag on the top always waves in the opposite direction of the wind and it is changed every day.

The legends say that if they fail to change the flag for even one day the temple will be closed for the next 18 years.

  • To date, no airplane or even a bird has crossed over this temple.
  • The Puri temple has no shadow no matter what is the position of the sun.
  • If you enter the temple from Singh Dwar, the sound of sea waves stops. And you can hear the waves only after getting out of the temple.
  • It is said that from whatever direction you look at the Neel Chakra on top of the temple, it always appears facing towards you.
  • Every year on Jyestha Purnima, Lord Jagannath bathes and becomes ill for the next 14 days.
  • Every day the temple is closed for only 2 hours and it is believed that in those 2 hours demons come and visit Lord Jagannath.

The Verdict!

 One of the Char Dham pilgrimage sites, it is the most marvelous and mysterious temple in India. It is one of the important Hindu temples and the only one which is open for its devotees 24 hours.

  • It is a living example of Indian devotion, culture, legacy, and customs.
  • Its mysteries, customs, and yearly Rath yatra still fascinate millions of devotees throughout the world.
  •  It is an essential spiritual hub for the people of Puri and India.
  • It serves as a symbol of divinity and a defender of traditions.
  • Exploring the mystical and spiritual significance of the temple leaves a life-changing impact on anyone.


Shree Jagannatha Temple

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